| 1. | Essentially, the company was too large for a development-stage business, critics say.
| 2. | 17 early-stage businesses and SMEs have successfully raised through the platform.
| 3. | The Lucent group is an incubator for more than a dozen early-stage businesses.
| 4. | For those thinking that stage business is an actor's short cut to success.
| 5. | The stage business and the music spoke for themselves, which was surely Fo's point.
| 6. | Many entrances and exits and much other stage business follow.
| 7. | In technology, Delin is an active investor in seed funds and early stage businesses.
| 8. | This scheme provided over 1600 hours of mentoring by experienced entrepreneurs to early stage businesses.
| 9. | Puccini packs so much drama into the music that stage business risks becoming a distraction.
| 10. | "I don't see it as a statement that early-stage business investing is fated to fail ."